Sunday, January 17, 2010

i did it!

Worst economic downturn since the Great Depression- whatever. Notoriously slow shopping month- who cares? Dreary and freezing cold weather- no problem! My shop is open! I made my January 15th self-imposed deadline and got some items listed before midnight. I'm still tweaking and adding of course. I'm on my third banner design and I'm not sure it's the last. I have no tops listed because my American Apparel t-shirt blanks just arrived. I have ideas for some accessories and baby-sized outfits to make in the coming weeks as well. Thanks to Mom and Dad for coming up to watch the kids so I could concentrate!

Thank you friends for your support and encouragement! Off I go to applique some t-shirts...

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome news, Rebecca! I might be able to get some of your skirt for my baby girl when she is bit older :) I am just 23 weeks pg now, mind you ;) Thanks for dropping by my blog. You have no idea how that made my motivation-running-low-day feeling much lighter!
    All the best to your shop once again!
