Saturday, July 31, 2010

a whiff of fall

Before our vacation about a month ago, I forced myself to clean the studio and get organized. I refolded and stacked all my fabrics and shirts by color. I must say, since getting back I've been quite productive making new patterns and prototyping accessories. I'm determined not to let it turn into a mess again.
Yesterday, the weather suddenly turned crisp and I started feeling really excited for fall. It'll be sweltering again soon enough, but I should've been working on fall by now anyway. With my fabrics all nicely stacked, I couldn't resist tearing the piles apart again and grouping together some story ideas.
I am mixing vintage fabric with thrift store shirtings, old but not quite vintage early '90's fabric from when I worked for an apparel company, and a few new pieces. There will be some patchworking happening.
There will definitely be some corduroy involved this fall. I am almost done perfecting a jumper to be made in corduroy. I had it on my little size 5 fit model from up the block last night. Even though I have the size 5 dress form, I like to see things on a real body that moves.
For some reason, teal looks really fresh to me right now. I've hated it ever since the '80's, but I like it again, especially with avocado and and mushroom. And I can't stop thinking about MUSHROOMS! I feel the appliqué urge coming on...

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